
You: Gilbert Beilschmidt, is that you?
Stranger: um
Stranger: yea
Stranger: thats me
Stranger: wiat
You: :D
Stranger: wait
You: this is Francis
Stranger: are u from the IRS?
You: yes
Stranger: obh
Stranger: in that case
Stranger: i am not gilbert


You: Gilbert Beilschmidt, is that you?
Stranger: nope
You: aw
You: too bad.
Stranger: why?
You: He won two million dollars
You: like, right now
Stranger: O.O
You: yep
Stranger: that's kinda like woah
You: if you find him, don't tell him I stole it, okay?
Stranger: kay


You: Gilbert Beilschmidt, is that you?
Stranger: No
You: aw...
Stranger: HAHA!
You: He won two million dollars, and I wanted to give it to him...
Stranger: Cool story bro.


You: This is Francis Bonnefoy, I'm looking for my friend Gilbert Beilschmidt, have you seen him?
Stranger: yes, it is me
You: Oh!
You: HI! :D
Stranger: hey there
You: how are you?
Stranger: just awful
You: that's bad... how is Gilbird?
You: Have you proposed to Ludwig yet?
Stranger: yes
You: Oh, what did he say?
Stranger: yes!
You: Wonderful!
Stranger: yess
You: So when is the wedding?!
Stranger: it was yesterday
You: ........fuck
Stranger: I know
You: .......did you have fun?
Stranger: it was fab
You: oh my.... sounds like Feliks arranged it
Stranger: I am shitting myself right now
You: ........I did not need to know that...
Stranger: wipe meee
You: Nah
Stranger: please
You: okay *wipes*
Stranger: yay :3


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